Author Archives: iamJayChong

[Free Download] Best WordPress Practices

In today’s digital landscape, following best practices for your WordPress site is key to delivering a fast, secure, and engaging user experience. This handbook, “Best WordPress Practices,” offers 10 essential tips to help you maximize your site’s performance and reliability—from optimizing images to strengthening security. Each practice is straightforward, with both free and premium tools […]

[Handbook] Complete Guidelines to Choose the Right Agency

This handbook will help you through your journey of choosing the RIGHT (WEB) Agency. Though intended to be used as a reference from the beginning, if you are mid-way already, you can also use it to double-check your requirement and work closely with your selected agency. It’s very important to be transparent on the strenght […]

The Changing Economic Climate and its Impact on Marketing and MarTech in 2023 

Out of one global crisis and into another. Interest rates, times of war, the cost of living crisis, unemployment and the stock market are all pointing toward uncertainty, slower growth and that dreaded R-word in 2023. It seems there is a cultural divide in perspectives too, in the UK, the media is focused heavily on […]

Important Notice – Server Maintenance 10 Sept 2022

Notice to ALL Jagole Cloud, Jagole Enterprise Cloud and Jagole VIP subscribers. To improve hosting environment and experience, our server provider will carry out data-center migration activity. [Period]Jagole’s server will be turn off temporary for the period of 10 September 2022, 9pm (UTC +8) – 11 September 2022, 6am (UTC +8). [Reasons]To improve our physical […]

WordPress Security Handbook

WordPress security shouldn’t be complicated and we believe all WordPress websites shall have fundamental security measures and practices. The ugly truth is, due to most WordPress websites being built focusing on content or lack of knowledge from freelancers, MOST WordPress website security is close to zero defense. This handbook is crafted and hopefully can change […]

New CTO-as-a-Service (CTOaaS) scheme to help SMEs tap tech expertise, by Jagole

An initiative to provide service to allow small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to consult chief technology officers (CTO) for free, or at an affordable cost in subscription basic, will be launched next month (May 2022) as part of plans to help businesses go digital. In the scheme, for SMEs that cannot afford an in-house technology […]